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Rita Knows What to Wear
Rita Knows What to Wear
In the new show "Rita Knows What to Wear, stylist Rita Muradova does what she loves most in life — helps others discover their personality through stylish clothes. Rita is assisted by Ukrainian stars — model and dancer Nazar Grabar, singer Lera Didkovskaya, musician Pozitiv, producer Natya Avdeeva.
Each episode Rita will overview the stars' outfits. Viewers can use the stylist's tips and forever forget about the eternal conundrum — what to do when you have a closet full of outfits and nothing to wear?
The episode schedule:
10. 12 - Analysis of Nazar Grabar's outfits
24.12 - Analysis of Lera Didkovskaya's outfits
07.01 - Analysis of Aleksei Zavgorodnyi's outfits (Pozitiv)
21.01 - Analysis of Nati Avdeeva's outfits.