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25 minutit
Welcome to KhanCast, a podcast about the life and activities of the Kazakh Khans. Host Ayim Tlepbergen, together with experts, will tell the most interesting stories about the events and figures of the Kazakh Khanate and seek answers to the question of who and how laid the foundations of modern Kazakhstan over the centuries.
We invite you to dive into our shared history!
Presenter and editor — Ayim Tlepbergen
Announcers — Sergey Kornosenkov, Roza Aren, Zhanar Kerimbaeva
Sound engineer — Pavel Batyashin
Order and producer — Yeldar Kudaibergenov
Production by MEGOGO Audio
Welcome to KhanCast, a podcast about the life and activities of the Kazakh Khans. Host Ayim Tlepbergen, together with experts, will tell the most interesting stories about the events and figures of the Kazakh Khanate and seek answers to the question of who and how laid the foundations of modern Kazakhstan over the centuries. We invite you to dive into our shared history! Presenter and editor — Ay