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Vaadatud video on saadaval ainult Chrome'i, Firefoxi, Opera, Yandexi ja Edge'i uuemates versioonides. Värskendage oma brauserit või avage video teises brauseris |
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Developing Skills
Developing Skills
With these educational cartoons, your child will learn more about important skills for the modern world: skills of interaction with adults, sensory development skills, creativity skills, emotional competence skills, self-regulation skills, choice skills, self-identity skills, skills of interaction with children, language skills, self-help skills, civic awareness skills, logic and calculation skills, eco-consciousness skills, digital literacy skills, safe behavior skills, healthy lifestyle skills.
Find out more on the NUMO preschool development platform:
and in the Telegram and Viber chatbot. The NUMO platform is your assistant in communicating with your child aged 3-6 at home or in their kindergarten with educators. It contains useful hints, interesting exercises, and games that will help preschoolers learn important skills for further development every day.