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Phrases that a true spaniard would say. Part 1
Phrases that a true spaniard would say. Part 1
This video will be interesting for those who have at least a small base of knowledge of Spanish and want to learn new words and phrases.
The video features popular phrases that Spanish speakers use in everyday life, so some of them may be informal and not found in traditional dictionaries.
These expressions were collected based on daily communication with Spanish speakers. Therefore, you can be sure that all words and phrases are actively used by native speakers.
This video will help you to increase your vocabulary and surprise Spanish speakers with your knowledge. You will understand them better and be able to express your thoughts better, without literally translating what you want to say from Ukrainian.
The lesson is taught by Anna-Sofia Hulina, a philologist of foreign languages, owner of a Youtube channel for learning Spanish and a big fan of 'language' challenges.
Join our community, there is a lot of useful information and help in learning Spanish here: