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"MovyTy" is a course on how to fall in love with the Ukrainian language. It will be perfect for you if you:
- studied Ukrainian at school or university but have not used it much in your life;
- have been trying to speak Ukrainian for a long time but make mistakes;
- are hesitant about whether to transition to Ukrainian or not.
Oleksandr Pedan, a public figure, TV host, and blogger; Taras Topolya, leader of the Antytila band and volunteer of the Territorial Defence Forces of Ukraine; and alyona alyona, a Ukrainian rap singer and songwriter, also share their language experience.
After completing "MovyTy," you can overcome psychological barriers in your transition from Russian to Ukrainian, expand your vocabulary, realize that it is impossible to learn all the accents, love your mistakes, and swear in Ukrainian.
This online course was created by EdEra with the support of IREX and the U.S. Department of State. The content is the sole responsibility of IREX and does not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Department of State.