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5 Must-Haves of Personal Branding in the Global Market
5 Must-Haves of Personal Branding in the Global Market
How do you build trust in an environment where no one knows you?
A personal brand can be an effective tool for business development both in Ukraine and abroad. Of course, if you use this tool correctly!
In the new GLOBA episode, Kateryna Doroshevska, initiator of UA business Global and founder of the Весоmе PR agency, talked about the 5 must-haves of personal branding in the global market:
- Strategic square of the personal brand
- Social proof platform
- Packaging and recognizable visual code
- Communication channels
- Understanding the resources
Watch the episode and learn some tips that will help strengthen your personal brand, make it stable and recognizable.
The project is implemented with the support of the Press, Education, and Culture Section of the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine.