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Guidebook for job interviews in English
Guidebook for job interviews in English
Hey, guys!
There are so many tips on how to pass Job Interviews in English, but so few real-life cases.
In this video, in the format of a dialogue between a candidate and an interviewer, we will analyze in detail the questions and answers that are encountered in almost all interviews with international companies.
BONUS: explanations from the teachers for each remark.
Anastasiia Mashtalar, the founder of Solid English School, a CELTA-certified English teacher & Marina Zadorozhna, a teacher at Solid English School will help you learn the material.
Solid English School is the No. 1 school for tech and non-tech professionals. For over 5 years, we have been making the IT community of Ukraine English-speaking and have developed 11 specialized training programmes: for tech and non-tech IT specialists; for managers and business owners who communicate with foreign colleagues and customers; for switchers who plan to start a career in IT and Digital.
Do you want to practice before an important interview? We invite you to take an individual Job Interview Preparation course - just three online lessons and you will have the dream offer in your pocket
Take the test and get a FREE trial lesson here: