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Iskorky supersyl
Iskorky supersyl
Sparks of Superpowers is a collection of 17 educational and developmental fairy tales for 2-6-year-old children. The fairy tales reveal one of the 17 skills that children need to master at this age through familiar situations. Each tale is complemented by exercises and tasks to reinforce the skill.
The main characters of the audio tales are the bright Sparkles Pum, Bryn, Zhuzh, and Mio, who have already become kids' favorites thanks to puppet theater, coloring books, and cartoons. All of these alternative development tools were created by a team of UNICEF Ukraine experts with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine as part of the NUMO preschool development platform:
The fairy tale audiobook “Sparks of Superpowers” is a developmental tool that engages the child's imagination, senses, and auditory perception, as well as helps parents, guardians, and educators try different ways of interacting with the child. After all, listening to and reading fairy tales together strengthens the emotional bond between a child and an adult, allowing them to get to know each other better.
The fairy tales were created by Ukrainian writers Mariia Artemenko, Nastia Muzychenko, and Halyna Tkachuk under the psychological, pedagogical, and literary support of Svitlana Roiz, Solomiia Boikovych, and Tetiana Stus. Famous Ukrainian mothers and fathers narrated the fairy tales: Svitlana Tarabarova, Tymur Miroshnychenko, Katia Blostka, and Artem Lohai.