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The "Anti-Stress" course
The "Anti-Stress" course
We offer you a course by psychotherapist Roman Melnychenko on Anti-Stress.
The course addresses a wide range of problems and challenges that most Ukrainians are currently going through and provides effective tools for solving them:
- the effects of long-term stress on psychological and physical health and ways to overcome its impact;
- fear of death;
- loss of the meaning of life;
- the constant feeling of anxiety;
- anxiety and fear of uncertainty;
- apathy, powerlessness, and signs of depression;
- all about depression: signs, prevention, treatment;
- anxiety disorders and treatment;
- all about the hormone cortisol, its connection with stress, ways to reduce it in the body, and its other functions;
- how to help the body produce "joy hormones" such as oxytocin, dopamine, endorphin, and serotonin, and a brief introduction to the hormones themselves;
- we analyze how to develop your personality and character in the face of force majeure and crises;
- types of psychological crises and 11 steps to overcome them;
- PTSD, signs, prevention, treatment;
- 4 types of fatigue and ways to overcome them;
- adaptation to force majeure circumstances;
- How to improve your condition for the better in one moment?
All this and much more is offered to you in the course Anti-stress.