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On identity by Yurii Radchenko
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On identity by Yurii Radchenko
Full HD
How does trauma affect identity formation? What was the experience of Ukrainians ("ethnic" and "political") in the Nazi colonial processes? Why is it important to publicly talk about the traumas of the past and our own history?
These and other important questions are answered in a series of short videos about identity by Yurii Radchenko, Candidate of Historical Sciences, co-founder and director of the Centre for Interethnic Relations Research in Eastern Europe.
How does trauma affect identity formation? What was the experience of Ukrainians ("ethnic" and "political") in the Nazi colonial processes? Why is it important to publicly talk about the traumas of the past and our own history?
These and other important questions are answered in a series of short videos about identity by Yurii Radchenko, Candidate of Historical Sciences, co-founder and director o