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On identity by Orysia Demska
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On identity by Orysia Demska
Full HD
5 minutit
What is the grand narrative of the Ukrainian language, and what is it like now? What is the connection between linguistic identity and national security? What language stereotypes prevent Ukrainians from realizing and accepting their identity?
You will hear the answers to these and other important questions in a series of videos by Orysia Demska, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head of the National Commission on the Standards of the State Language (2020-2022).
What is the grand narrative of the Ukrainian language, and what is it like now? What is the connection between linguistic identity and national security? What language stereotypes prevent Ukrainians from realizing and accepting their identity?
You will hear the answers to these and other important questions in a series of videos by Orysia Demska, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head of the Nation