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When to use «THE» in English
When to use «THE» in English
Hey guys!
If you’re learning English, you probably wish to remember articles once and for all – especially «THE.» This tiny yet crucial element often confuses. It’s easy to misuse it or overlook it where it’s needed.
In this video, Anastasia Mashtaliar, founder of Solid English School and certified CELTA English teacher, will explain how to use «THE» correctly through specific examples so that you can feel comfortable in any English-speaking situation.
Solid English School is the No. 1 school for tech and non-tech professionals. For over six years, we have been making the IT community of Ukraine English-speaking and teaching over 10,000 IT and digital pros. Our clients include leading companies like Wargaming, Prometheus, Respeecher,, and many more.
Our courses boost your English level in just three months. Choose your level – Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, or Intermediate – and start learning: