The Worst Person in the World
pole saadaval
Verdens verste menneske
IMDb 7.7,
MGG 7.7

The Worst Person in the World

Full HD
127 minutit
Julie, a young student from a good Norwegian family, begins her adult life thinking she will become a doctor. Her main traits are anxiety and reflexivity. Julie never ignores any event or experience, questions her own and others' values, and lives in constant internal conflict. After the first months of her studies, she decides that she is more interested in psychology than medicine, and then she takes up writing, photography, and a book business. The movie is divided into 12 consecutive chapters: Julie changes professions and lovers, experiences long-term relationships and infatuations, adapts to new circumstances, and discovers different sides of her personality.
Julie, a young student from a good Norwegian family, begins her adult life thinking she will become a doctor. Her main traits are anxiety and reflexivity. Julie never ignores any event or experience, questions her own and others' values, and lives in constant internal conflict. After the first months of her studies, she decides that she is more interested in psychology than medicine, and then she