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Edge of Worldville (Sign Language)
Edge of Worldville (Sign Language)
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Edge of Worldville (Sign Language)
Edge of Worldville (Sign Language)
Full HD
10 minutit
This is a story about the Kovalenko family, which consists of a father who is raising three minor children. One day, the family inherits a house located on the outskirts of the village. The characters decide to spend their vacation there, which becomes a real adventure for them. At night, the strange mansion turns into a hotel for various mythical creatures. The cartoon is shown with sign language for the convenience of the hearing impaired viewers.
This is a story about the Kovalenko family, which consists of a father who is raising three minor children. One day, the family inherits a house located on the outskirts of the village. The characters decide to spend their vacation there, which becomes a real adventure for them. At night, the strange mansion turns into a hotel for various mythical creatures. The cartoon is shown with sign language