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G-Aaah! Animation for Young Audiences
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G-Aaah! Animation for Young Audiences
Full HD
A programme of animated short films presented by the British Council in partnership with Into Film, a UK organisation that puts film at the heart of the educational and personal development of young people. A variety of themes and ideas are explored within the films, that parents may sometimes find it difficult to discuss – emotions, relations with your inner self, feelings about losing someone, building relations with external world and other human beings. A selection of different animation techniques are used in the programme, which includes multi-award winners and films, officially selected by numerous international festivals.
A programme of animated short films presented by the British Council in partnership with Into Film, a UK organisation that puts film at the heart of the educational and personal development of young people. A variety of themes and ideas are explored within the films, that parents may sometimes find it difficult to discuss – emotions, relations with your inner self, feelings about losing someone, b