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FOODIES.ACADEMY - Gourmet Academy
Prie parankinių
FOODIES.ACADEMY - Gourmet Academy
Prie parankinių
Full HD
4 minutės
Representatives of the Gourmet Academy search for authentic recipes in different countries and show all the subtleties of their preparation. The authors of the channel try to choose dishes with history and give advice on the cooking process from different chefs, so everyone can take something for themselves. There are videos about palak paneer, jiaozi dumplings, different curries, risotto, and more.
Representatives of the Gourmet Academy search for authentic recipes in different countries and show all the subtleties of their preparation. The authors of the channel try to choose dishes with history and give advice on the cooking process from different chefs, so everyone can take something for themselves. There are videos about palak paneer, jiaozi dumplings, different curries, risotto, and mor