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Kanalas nepasiekiamas
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Kanalas nepasiekiamas
Fox Family - Official Channel
Prie parankinių
Fox Family - Official Channel
Prie parankinių
Full HD
11 minučių
The audience will get to know the main characters of the animated series for the little ones, The Fox Family, in which you can watch funny episodes with the adventures of the characters and their friends. Thanks to the project, children have the opportunity to learn good manners, as well as to learn colors, numbers, and healthy habits in a playful way. In addition, viewers will learn about different professions and safety.
The audience will get to know the main characters of the animated series for the little ones, The Fox Family, in which you can watch funny episodes with the adventures of the characters and their friends. Thanks to the project, children have the opportunity to learn good manners, as well as to learn colors, numbers, and healthy habits in a playful way. In addition, viewers will learn about differe