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How to start reading in English?
How to start reading in English?
In this video, we would like to take a closer look at reading in English.
Namely, to talk in detail about how to start reading in English and enjoy it!
We will consider the main advantages of reading books in the original. And of course, we will provide you with a selection of excellent books for English levels from A1 to C1 from EnglisHouse language school.
As usual, Yulia, a teaching department methodologist of EnglisHouse, will assist with this matter.
The main advantages of reading books in the original:
- improving the level of English
- full understanding of the context
- pleasure from reading
- cultural immersion
- intellectual development
- motivation
In this video you will learn about:
- Advantages of reading in the original
- Where to start reading from
- Books for levels from Starter/Beginner A0 to Upper-Intermediate B2 and Advanced C1
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