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Celta — Real Sociedad
Celta — Real Sociedad
Kick-off on 21.12.24 17:15.
Celta and Real Sociedad will face off on December 21, 2024, at the Balaídos Stadium in the 18th round of La Liga. The broadcast will start at 17:15 online on MEGOGO. Celta lost to Espanyol (1-3) in the previous round, while Real Sociedad defeated Betis (2-0).
How to watch the match broadcast on the MEGOGO media service:
The online broadcast of the Celta vs Real Sociedad match is available with Sports, Maximal, or Maximal + Charity subscriptions. By choosing a suitable plan, viewers can access not only live coverage of this and other matches but also an extensive library of entertainment content, including movies, series, cartoons, audiobooks, podcasts, and over 300 TV channels with pause and recording options.