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On identity by Alim Aliiev
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On identity by Alim Aliiev
Full HD
5 minūtes
What is Crimean Tatar culture, and what is its uniqueness? What should you know about the Crimean Tatar language, history, art, and traditions? How do Crimean Tatars fight for their identity under occupation when Russia is trying to destroy it?
These and other important questions about Crimea and its indigenous people, the Crimean Tatars, are answered by Alim Aliyev, Deputy Director General of the Ukrainian Institute, founder of the Crimean Fig literary project.
What is Crimean Tatar culture, and what is its uniqueness? What should you know about the Crimean Tatar language, history, art, and traditions? How do Crimean Tatars fight for their identity under occupation when Russia is trying to destroy it?
These and other important questions about Crimea and its indigenous people, the Crimean Tatars, are answered by Alim Aliyev, Deputy Director General of th