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All that happened in Past Simple
All that happened in Past Simple
Tenses are the basis for freedom of communication in English. That's why in this new course the First Cambridge Centre covers the topic of Past Simple Tense in full.
In this series of 4 videos you will learn about the following:
- How many tenses are there in English and what is unique about the Past Simple?
- 5 cases of using this tense.
- What is 'used to' and how to use this construction?
- What are the common mistakes to avoid?
Lera from the First Cambridge Centre will talk about all this!
In addition to the theory, take advantage of the opportunity to practice and take interactive tests while watching the video!
Then follow the link to learn more about one of the sub-topics of the past tense — Irregular verbs. There is a full course dedicated to irregular verbs, where you can also hear the key rules, learn non-standard learning techniques and take tests.
Leave all your mistakes in the past and feel confident with your knowledge. Get even more freedom with English courses at
Every lesson is important!