Down a Dark Hall
Down a Dark Hall
IMDb 5.0,
MGG 5.7

Down a Dark Hall

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Full HD
92 minutes
A troubled teenager, Kit Gordy, cannot come to terms with the death of her father, which occurred several years ago. The girl rebels and, through her behavior, gets herself sent to Blackwood Boarding School. Besides her, four more problematic students arrive there, in each of whom the principal Madame Duret intends to see a hidden talent and bring it out. Soon the girls do indeed discover remarkable abilities in various fields of science and art, but Kit senses that something is not right.
A troubled teenager, Kit Gordy, cannot come to terms with the death of her father, which occurred several years ago. The girl rebels and, through her behavior, gets herself sent to Blackwood Boarding School. Besides her, four more problematic students arrive there, in each of whom the principal Madame Duret intends to see a hidden talent and bring it out. Soon the girls do indeed discover remarkab

