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30 phrases to sound like a Pole
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30 phrases to sound like a Pole
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Full HD
12 minutes
TOP phrases in Polish that will help you speak Polish ‘more naturally’.
The lecture will be useful for both beginners and advanced levels.
My name is Olena Chubka. I am a teacher and translator of the Polish language. I have been teaching Polish for more than 13 years. I will be happy to work with you as well.
Do you want more? Come to me for courses:
TOP phrases in Polish that will help you speak Polish ‘more naturally’.
The lecture will be useful for both beginners and advanced levels.
My name is Olena Chubka. I am a teacher and translator of the Polish language. I have been teaching Polish for more than 13 years. I will be happy to work with you as well.
Do you want more? Come to me for courses: