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“Harry”, a fighter of the special unit “Tora Group” (2022 - 2024), joint organizer of the project “These Free People”
“Harry”, a fighter of the special unit “Tora Group” (2022 - 2024), joint organizer of the project “These Free People”
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“Harry”, a fighter of the special unit “Tora Group” (2022 - 2024), joint organizer of the project “These Free People”
“Harry”, a fighter of the special unit “Tora Group” (2022 - 2024), joint organizer of the project “These Free People”
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Full HD
33 minutes
A fighter of the special unit Tora Group with the call sign Harry, who is the co-founder of the Tsi Vilni project, explains why it was not possible to create the KhNR in Kharkiv. He also tells who causes internal conflicts in Ukrainian society and why militarization should come first in the country.