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Saving Mr. Banks
Saving Mr. Banks
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Saving Mr. Banks
Saving Mr. Banks
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Full HD
120 minutos
The story adaptation of the classic movie Disney “Mary Poppins”. When Walt Disney promised his daughters a film based on their favorite book, the tale of Pamela Travers "Mary Poppins", he did not even know that for the performance of this promise he'll need more than twenty years. In an attempt to get the rights to film the book, Walt met a wayward and intractable British writer, who in no case wanted her favorite character to be "spoiled" by the Hollywood approach to filmmaking. Only in the early 1960s, she agreed to come to Los Angeles and begin negotiations about the adaptation. For two weeks in 1961, while the negotiations with Pamela Travers lasted, Walt Disney tried all the tricks. He presented ideas and sketches for the film, trying to impress the writer with the magnificent music composed by talented composers, Sherman brothers, and even arranged excursions to Disneyland – but Travers did not agree with any persuasions, and the famous filmmaker nearly abandoned his plan.
The story adaptation of the classic movie Disney “Mary Poppins”. When Walt Disney promised his daughters a film based on their favorite book, the tale of Pamela Travers "Mary Poppins", he did not even know that for the performance of this promise he'll need more than twenty years. In an attempt to get the rights to film the book, Walt met a wayward and intractable British writer, who in no case wa