
Arabesque - Karaoke

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3 minutes

Karaoke songs by Arabesque .

Feel like a real star, connect the microphone to your device.

1. A new sensation

2. Billy's Barbeque

3. Born To Reggae

4. Buggy boy

5. Caballero

6. Dancing in the fire of love

7. Don't fall away from me

8. Fly high little butterfly

9. Fools Paradise

10. Friday night

11. Hello, mr. Monkey

12. Hi Hi Highway

13. High life

14. In For A Penny, Out For A Pound

15. Jingle Jangle Joe

16. Lucifer's love

17. Make love whenever you can

18. Marigot bay

19. Once in a blue moon

20. Parties in a penthouse

21. Peppermint jack

22. Prison of love

Karaoke songs by Arabesque . Feel like a real star, connect the microphone to your device. 1. A new sensation 2. Billy's Barbeque 3. Born To Reggae 4. Buggy boy 5. Caballero 6. Dancing in the fire of love 7. Don't fall away from me 8. Fly high little butterfly 9. Fools Paradise 10. Friday night 11. Hello, mr. Monkey 12. Hi Hi Highway 13. High life 14. In For A Penny, Out For A Pound 15. Jingle Jan

