Dark Horse
Dark Horse
IMDb 5.9,
MGG 6.0

Dark Horse

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Full HD
85 minutes
The main character, despite his age, still has his childhood hobbies. And he lives as a teenager. He does not earn the money himself, preferring to sit on the neck of his parents meeting his needs at the expense of their wallet. When he decides to get married, his chosen one just also cannot be called entirely normal. And these two extravagant personalities have to go through a serious test for readiness for marriage.
The main character, despite his age, still has his childhood hobbies. And he lives as a teenager. He does not earn the money himself, preferring to sit on the neck of his parents meeting his needs at the expense of their wallet. When he decides to get married, his chosen one just also cannot be called entirely normal. And these two extravagant personalities have to go through a serious test for re


Inglés, Azerbaiyano, Ruso


Inglés, Ruso, Ucraniano