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Ukrainian evil
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Ukrainian evil
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Full HD
6 minutos
"Ukrainian evil" is a new Ukrainian wave, which was formed in the midst of the economic crisis of 2008-2009. Its members, like the Italian neo-realists or the British "kitchen sink realists", shoot what is happening here and now about those they know best – about themselves. Their films are socio-anthropological researches in search of a hero of our time. Directors ruthlessly and recklessly dissect modern life. See also films from "Ukraine Goodbye".
"Ukrainian evil" is a new Ukrainian wave, which was formed in the midst of the economic crisis of 2008-2009. Its members, like the Italian neo-realists or the British "kitchen sink realists", shoot what is happening here and now about those they know best – about themselves. Their films are socio-anthropological researches in search of a hero of our time. Directors ruthlessly and recklessly dissec