Vals Im Bashir
Vals Im Bashir
IMDb 8.0,
MGG 7.8

Vals Im Bashir

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Full HD
90 minutes
The war has a deep sense for the ones who unleashed it, but it is absolutely senseless and cruel for the ones who have to pull the trigger, especially if there is an order to commit a slaughter, as it used to happen in the camps of Palestinian refugees of Sabr and Shatil in the time of an Israel military operation on the territory of Lebanon in 1982. And no one knows what is better – to forget this nightmare or to remember it…
The war has a deep sense for the ones who unleashed it, but it is absolutely senseless and cruel for the ones who have to pull the trigger, especially if there is an order to commit a slaughter, as it used to happen in the camps of Palestinian refugees of Sabr and Shatil in the time of an Israel military operation on the territory of Lebanon in 1982. And no one knows what is better – to forget thi


Georgiano, Hebrew, Ruso


Inglés, Estonio, Rumano, Ruso, Ucraniano