Comrade song
Comrade song
MGG 5.9

Comrade song

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76 minutes
Collected here are a few stories in which the song is playing a key role. The first of the heroes of the Second World War, who sabotaged the Nazi invaders, using as a cipher song. The second of the samenschine have missed the love. She did not know what the author of the song is her favorite, responded negatively about her words, accusing him of excessive sweetness. This error cost her miserable life spentoh an unloved man.
Collected here are a few stories in which the song is playing a key role. The first of the heroes of the Second World War, who sabotaged the Nazi invaders, using as a cipher song. The second of the samenschine have missed the love. She did not know what the author of the song is her favorite, responded negatively about her words, accusing him of excessive sweetness. This error cost her miserable l

