Memorial Day
Memorial Day
IMDb 6.1,
MGG 6.3

Memorial Day

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Full HD
113 minutes
During a game of hide and seek, a small Kyle finds a chest of his grandfather Bud, in which things left in the memory of the war were kept. His grandmother advised not to show the find to his grandfather, because the lying things in the chest will only re-open old wounds and sadden the old man. But in spite of her inhibitions, Kyle still decided to show the chest to its owner. At first, grandfather Bud did not want to open the box, but his grandson was able to talk him into a small favor in honor of Memorial Day: he will choose any three items from the box, and Bud will tell three stories about the war.
During a game of hide and seek, a small Kyle finds a chest of his grandfather Bud, in which things left in the memory of the war were kept. His grandmother advised not to show the find to his grandfather, because the lying things in the chest will only re-open old wounds and sadden the old man. But in spite of her inhibitions, Kyle still decided to show the chest to its owner. At first, grandfathe


Inglés, Azerbaiyano, Ruso


Georgiano, Kirguís, Rumano, Ruso, Ucraniano