IMDb 6.9,
MGG 7.6


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Full HD
93 minutes
A young sorceress Maleficent led a solitary life in the enchanted forest, surrounded by fantastic creatures, but one day everything changed. Her world was invaded by people who have brought destruction and chaos, and Maleficent had to stand up for her people, calling upon the powerful dark forces. In the heat of battle, Maleficent put a terrible curse on the newborn king's daughter, the beautiful Aurora. But seeing how the little princess is growing, Maleficent begins to doubt the correctness of her action - in fact may be it is Aurora who can breathe new life into a magical forest kingdom.
A young sorceress Maleficent led a solitary life in the enchanted forest, surrounded by fantastic creatures, but one day everything changed. Her world was invaded by people who have brought destruction and chaos, and Maleficent had to stand up for her people, calling upon the powerful dark forces. In the heat of battle, Maleficent put a terrible curse on the newborn king's daughter, the beautiful


Inglés, Kazajo, Ruso


Inglés, Kazajo, Ruso, Turco