The Fifth Estate
The Fifth Estate
IMDb 6.2,
MGG 6.9

The Fifth Estate

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Full HD
123 minutes
In a world where information is valued above all else and leak of classified information marked by "Secret" can cause irreversible effects, the site WikiLeaks forever changed the rules of the game. The film, based on a true story, tells the story of an attempt to expose government corruption and lies of the authorities, which has turned the Internet start-up in one of the most famous and talked about organizations of the 21st century. During the first years of existence, WikiLeaks unveiled more secrets than the most influential media in the world of together, revealing the shameful secrets of public service corporations and financial crimes. But when the founders of the site have gained access to the largest classified archive of the United States, they had to find a response to one of the most important issues of our time: what is the price of secrets in a free society - and what the price of their release?
In a world where information is valued above all else and leak of classified information marked by "Secret" can cause irreversible effects, the site WikiLeaks forever changed the rules of the game. The film, based on a true story, tells the story of an attempt to expose government corruption and lies of the authorities, which has turned the Internet start-up in one of the most famous and talked ab


Inglés, Ruso


Inglés, Ruso