Episodio 2
Category 6: Day of Destruction
IMDb 5.2,
MGG 6.4

Category 6: Day of Destruction

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83 minutes
America has experienced on itself the fury of raging disaster. The drought has led to a terrible fire that swept across the continent. Hurricanes and Tornadoes destroye infrastructure and razed the entire city. Nature disables the main power center of the country. And at the moment of maximum vulnerability, when all services are paralyzed by lack of power, the most ferocious sixth category hurricane is brought down on the people. A nuclear war would envy the damage that it leaves behind…
America has experienced on itself the fury of raging disaster. The drought has led to a terrible fire that swept across the continent. Hurricanes and Tornadoes destroye infrastructure and razed the entire city. Nature disables the main power center of the country. And at the moment of maximum vulnerability, when all services are paralyzed by lack of power, the most ferocious sixth category hurrica


Inglés, Ruso


Ruso, Ucraniano