Episodio 1
IMDb 7.3,
MGG 8.3

Air Crew

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Full HD
79 minutes
The crew of the plane, carrying passengers and cargo, gets into a situation, in comparison to which the doomsday may look like a child's play. At the airport where the plane landed, an earthquake occurs. Fiery lava is erupting, ground goes from under the feet, everything around is burning and falling apart, people are in terror and panic. After the arrival of the aircraft, a new tremor of a huge force comes. The runway is damaged. But thanks to the experience of the daring crew, the plane is lifted into the air. It seems that people are safe, that the worst is over. However, it turns out that on takeoff the plane suffered numerous damages, one of them is too dangerous for a safe landing.
The crew of the plane, carrying passengers and cargo, gets into a situation, in comparison to which the doomsday may look like a child's play. At the airport where the plane landed, an earthquake occurs. Fiery lava is erupting, ground goes from under the feet, everything around is burning and falling apart, people are in terror and panic. After the arrival of the aircraft, a new tremor of a huge f



