Episodio 1
The Legend of Princess Olga
IMDb 6.8,
MGG 6.3

The Legend of Princess Olga

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63 minutes
This motion picture is based on the stories and legends about the Kiev Princess Olga who was the first baptizee in Rus and ruled for 15 years after the death of her husband Igor. Some people revered and praised Olga, but others suffered because of her tough character. Thus, the film describes the stories about her from different points of view that were represented by a monk, her housekeeper (who became the mother of her grandson Vladimir Svyatoslavich) and prince Vladimir.
This motion picture is based on the stories and legends about the Kiev Princess Olga who was the first baptizee in Rus and ruled for 15 years after the death of her husband Igor. Some people revered and praised Olga, but others suffered because of her tough character. Thus, the film describes the stories about her from different points of view that were represented by a monk, her housekeeper (who


Ruso, Ucraniano


Georgiano, Ruso, Ucraniano