Andromeda Galaxy
Andromeda Galaxy
IMDb 5.5,
MGG 6.5

Andromeda Galaxy

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68 minutes
Fiction movie. Terrestrial spacecraft is exploring system previously unvisited by human. Local star’s gravity is so strong that the available fuel reserves will not be enough to return home. Favorable situation for the launch will be only in 20 years. Then astronauts decided to land on the surface of the unknown planet, because there they find their last hope - the alien civilization Battleship. They should either stay in orbit for another twenty years, or land on an unknown planet, on which they discovered an alien spaceship. Earthlings are expecting refuel on an aliens spaceship and return home.
Fiction movie. Terrestrial spacecraft is exploring system previously unvisited by human. Local star’s gravity is so strong that the available fuel reserves will not be enough to return home. Favorable situation for the launch will be only in 20 years. Then astronauts decided to land on the surface of the unknown planet, because there they find their last hope - the alien civilization Battleship. T




Inglés, Estonio, Ruso, Ucraniano