IMDb 7.0,
MGG 6.5


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70 minutes
How wonderful your life can be if your best friends is a powerful wizard from the past. In the evenings, an ordinary schoolgirl is working in the museum of the ancient world. While wiping the dust in the Egyptology hall she accidentally brings back to life the mummy of the young prince of Egypt. Tutenstein is a spoiled, due to his royal blood, common teenager, who can do magic. With the help of his newly found friend, he learns all the modern realities of our civilization, but nostalgically recalls his past life, where he used to live in luxury among numerous servants. Despite all the warnings, Tutenstein will make an attempt to return the whole humanity in the past era. How many surprises will our little magician bring to his saviour? Will she able to hide from the director of the museum and journalist the raising of the mummy?
How wonderful your life can be if your best friends is a powerful wizard from the past. In the evenings, an ordinary schoolgirl is working in the museum of the ancient world. While wiping the dust in the Egyptology hall she accidentally brings back to life the mummy of the young prince of Egypt. Tutenstein is a spoiled, due to his royal blood, common teenager, who can do magic. With the help of hi


Inglés, Ruso, Ucraniano


Ruso, Ucraniano