Car Washers
Car Washers
IMDb 7.0,
MGG 6.8

Car Washers

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76 minutes
The main characters are the ordinary guys who spend more time outside than at the school or at home. They gain their living by the expesive car washing. The guys follow the common neighborhood rules. Once they get acquainted with the representative an inceprive gang. This day suddenly changes their life and now the game is serious, the big money is at stake, circles of influence and humans’ lifes.
The main characters are the ordinary guys who spend more time outside than at the school or at home. They gain their living by the expesive car washing. The guys follow the common neighborhood rules. Once they get acquainted with the representative an inceprive gang. This day suddenly changes their life and now the game is serious, the big money is at stake, circles of influence and humans’ lifes




Georgiano, Kirguís, Ruso, Ucraniano