Aniskin and Fantomas
IMDb 6.4,
MGG 7.5

Aniskin and Fantomas

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128 minutes
A detective movie based on V.Lipatov’s story about smart, simple-minded and good-natured police inspector named Aniskin, who is able to clear any crime. He investigates a robbery case. The criminals were wearing stockings on their heads, and Aniskin believed they were inspired by a French villain Fantomas. But who planned the robbery and who lead the children on a crime in a village where everyone knows each other?
A detective movie based on V.Lipatov’s story about smart, simple-minded and good-natured police inspector named Aniskin, who is able to clear any crime. He investigates a robbery case. The criminals were wearing stockings on their heads, and Aniskin believed they were inspired by a French villain Fantomas. But who planned the robbery and who lead the children on a crime in a village where everyone




Georgiano, Kirguís, Ruso, Ucraniano