Ain't Them Bodies Saints
Ain't Them Bodies Saints
IMDb 6.4,
MGG 6.3

Ain't Them Bodies Saints

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Full HD
95 minutes
Texas, 1970. In an ambush, three young offenders seriously injure one of the policemen who surrounded them. Gang leader Bob Muldoon takes all the blame, though the fatal shot was done by his girlfriend Ruth, and goes to prison for many years. Being in prison, he learns that he has a daughter, Sylvia. To see the girl Bob is trying to escapes, but he manages to break free only after four long years. His tracks lead in the opposite direction from his home, but the Texas Police (primarily Patrick Wheeler - the officer wounded in that old shootout) believes that the fugitive may appear only near the small Sylvia. Everything is ready for the hunt for Muldoon, but it turns out that not only the servants of the law want to get Bob to pay in full for the old deeds.
Texas, 1970. In an ambush, three young offenders seriously injure one of the policemen who surrounded them. Gang leader Bob Muldoon takes all the blame, though the fatal shot was done by his girlfriend Ruth, and goes to prison for many years. Being in prison, he learns that he has a daughter, Sylvia. To see the girl Bob is trying to escapes, but he manages to break free only after four long years.


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