The Great Consoler
The Great Consoler
IMDb 6.6,
MGG 6.9

The Great Consoler

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90 minutes
A famous writer serves time in jail. The prison authorities appreciates him, because while sitting behind the bars he creates beautiful stories with a happy ending. Those who have read his touching works dream to make their life similar to his stories. The remarkable fact is that the prison warden is one of his main fans. Freedom given to the writer within the prison seems sufficient enough to him. He obeys his fate and can’t imagine his existence in a different way.
A famous writer serves time in jail. The prison authorities appreciates him, because while sitting behind the bars he creates beautiful stories with a happy ending. Those who have read his touching works dream to make their life similar to his stories. The remarkable fact is that the prison warden is one of his main fans. Freedom given to the writer within the prison seems sufficient enough to him

