Jane Eyre
Jane Eyre
IMDb 7.3,
MGG 7.8

Jane Eyre

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Full HD
120 minutes
Victorian England. After eight years in a boarding school for poor girls, an orphan Jane Eyre gets a governess position in Thornfield - the birthplace of Edward Fairfax Rochester. The owner of the estate rarely visits his native land, and in his absence Jane should look after the eight-year-old Adele Varens - the aristocrat's pupil. And once Rochester returns. So begins one of the most famous romances in European literature and world cinema.
Victorian England. After eight years in a boarding school for poor girls, an orphan Jane Eyre gets a governess position in Thornfield - the birthplace of Edward Fairfax Rochester. The owner of the estate rarely visits his native land, and in his absence Jane should look after the eight-year-old Adele Varens - the aristocrat's pupil. And once Rochester returns. So begins one of the most famous roma


Azerbaiyano, Georgiano, Ruso, Ucraniano


Azerbaiyano, Kirguís, Rumano, Ruso