Machine Gun Preacher
Machine Gun Preacher
IMDb 6.7,
MGG 7.3

Machine Gun Preacher

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Full HD
128 minutes
Biker Sam Childers had a lot of problems with the law, but after his release from prison, heeding the pleas of his wife Lynn, he began attending the church. The former criminal changes: he becomes an exemplary parishioner, founds the construction company and he erects from the ground a Protestant church for those whom wealthy Americans contemptuously called "the dregs of society"... Sam's quiet life changes after a mission trip to Uganda and Sudan. Imbued with compassion for African children, he decides to found an orphanage, where they would feel safe from the rebels of the Lord's Resistance Army, recruiting soldiers and sex slaves, even among the young. If necessary, Sam is ready to defend his wards with arms in his hands. However, in his zeal Childers forget that the reverse side of any good intentions can become an obsession...
Biker Sam Childers had a lot of problems with the law, but after his release from prison, heeding the pleas of his wife Lynn, he began attending the church. The former criminal changes: he becomes an exemplary parishioner, founds the construction company and he erects from the ground a Protestant church for those whom wealthy Americans contemptuously called "the dregs of society"... Sam's quiet li


Azerbaiyano, Georgiano, Letón, Lituano, Ruso, Ucraniano, Ukrainian with audio description


Azerbaiyano, Estonio, Kirguís, Rumano, Ruso, Ucraniano