The Witches of Oz
The Witches of Oz
IMDb 4.3,
MGG 4.8

The Witches of Oz

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Full HD
165 minutes
Dorothy Gale is a simple girl, who lives with her uncle Henry in Kansas. In her spare time she writes books for children about the Land of Oz invented by her grandfather. Dorothy's life changes dramatically when she is invited to New York for the presentation of her books. For her everything is strange and unfamiliar. Dorothy suddenly realizes that the stories of her grandfather about the wonders of Oz and its characters are very and very real ....
Dorothy Gale is a simple girl, who lives with her uncle Henry in Kansas. In her spare time she writes books for children about the Land of Oz invented by her grandfather. Dorothy's life changes dramatically when she is invited to New York for the presentation of her books. For her everything is strange and unfamiliar. Dorothy suddenly realizes that the stories of her grandfather about the wonders




Azerbaiyano, Kirguís, Rumano, Ruso, Ucraniano