Ronal Barbaren
Ronal Barbaren
IMDb 6.5,
MGG 7.0

Ronal Barbaren

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Full HD
85 minutes
Ronal is the most unusual barbarian in the world. He is not interested in any battle, or conquest, or feasts. More than anything, he wants everyone to just leave him alone. But the destiny does otherwise. One day the evil Prince Volkazar, the leader of a hostile tribe, captures all the barbarians to sacrifice them to the ancient gods and gain power over the world. Only Ronal remains free. And now he, along with a disorderly bard Aliber, a muscular warrior-maiden Zandra and a metrosexual elf Elric, must pass many tests to liberate his people, gain faith in himself and... find love.
Ronal is the most unusual barbarian in the world. He is not interested in any battle, or conquest, or feasts. More than anything, he wants everyone to just leave him alone. But the destiny does otherwise. One day the evil Prince Volkazar, the leader of a hostile tribe, captures all the barbarians to sacrifice them to the ancient gods and gain power over the world. Only Ronal remains free. And now


Georgiano, Lituano, Ruso, Ucraniano


Azerbaiyano, Estonio, Kirguís, Rumano, Ruso