Cheerful Weather for the Wedding
Cheerful Weather for the Wedding
IMDb 5.6,
MGG 6.1

Cheerful Weather for the Wedding

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Full HD
92 minutes
England, 1932. On the morning of her wedding day, Dolly, with a bottle of rum, recalles her last year's unforgettable love affair. Joseph, of whom she dreams, is also taken away by the pleasant memories about their romance. But the thing is that Dolly is going to marry a completely different person. Preparation for a wedding is already in full swing. What is missing is the appearance of her former lover...
England, 1932. On the morning of her wedding day, Dolly, with a bottle of rum, recalles her last year's unforgettable love affair. Joseph, of whom she dreams, is also taken away by the pleasant memories about their romance. But the thing is that Dolly is going to marry a completely different person. Preparation for a wedding is already in full swing. What is missing is the appearance of her former


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