Albert Nobbs
Albert Nobbs
IMDb 6.7,
MGG 7.2

Albert Nobbs

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Full HD
113 minutes
1898, Dublin. In a small hotel Morrison's all sorts of people live: aged Dr. Halloran who escaped from his wife, French snobs Madame and Monsieur Pigot, economical family of the Moores, Viscount Yarrell who likes homoerotic pleasures and his wife with similar sexual preferences... and each of them is served by the waiter Albert Nobbs. He is a little more than forty, and he has worked in the best institutions in London, Bristol and Liverpool. He has virtually no personal life. Nobbs prefers quiet evenings in his closet and an endless recounting of savings to pubs and variety shows. Colleagues almost do not pay attention to him, and he actually likes this. After all, in fact, Albert is a woman, who has been for about thirty years successfully impersonating herself for the stronger sex...
1898, Dublin. In a small hotel Morrison's all sorts of people live: aged Dr. Halloran who escaped from his wife, French snobs Madame and Monsieur Pigot, economical family of the Moores, Viscount Yarrell who likes homoerotic pleasures and his wife with similar sexual preferences... and each of them is served by the waiter Albert Nobbs. He is a little more than forty, and he has worked in the best i


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