Serbuan maut
Serbuan maut
IMDb 7.6,
MGG 7.8

Serbuan maut

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Full HD
96 minutes
Special Forces squad is assigned to penetrate into the multi-storey building, located in the heart of Jakarta's slums and arrest a drug lord who is being guarded by an army of heavily armed thugs. The operation should be carried out without fanfare, but an odd chance violates plans of servants of the law. Now the men have nowhere to hide and nowhere to run. In front of them there are 30 floors of hell, where every misstep threatens death. The war by the rules is over. Only the strongest will survive!
Special Forces squad is assigned to penetrate into the multi-storey building, located in the heart of Jakarta's slums and arrest a drug lord who is being guarded by an army of heavily armed thugs. The operation should be carried out without fanfare, but an odd chance violates plans of servants of the law. Now the men have nowhere to hide and nowhere to run. In front of them there are 30 floors of


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