Another Year
Another Year
IMDb 7.4,
MGG 7.4

Another Year

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Full HD
129 minutes
Tom and Jerry is a family couple of pre-retirement age. Evenings and weekends they spend with their family and friends - the only son Joe, sharp-tongued Mary, not too neat colleague Tom Ken... Dinner and unhurried conversation, tea and wine, encouraging advice and verbal skirmishes. Love and warmth, hope and despair. Communication. Loneliness. Birth. Death. Spring, summer, autumn, winter. Time passes...
Tom and Jerry is a family couple of pre-retirement age. Evenings and weekends they spend with their family and friends - the only son Joe, sharp-tongued Mary, not too neat colleague Tom Ken... Dinner and unhurried conversation, tea and wine, encouraging advice and verbal skirmishes. Love and warmth, hope and despair. Communication. Loneliness. Birth. Death. Spring, summer, autumn, winter. Time pas


Georgiano, Ruso, Ucraniano


Azerbaiyano, Kirguís, Rumano, Ruso, Ucraniano